Our Vision:
Alive in Christ we take Holy Spirit directed risks to expand the Kingdom of God here on earth!
Our Mission:
We equip and encourage all to be the fingerprints of Jesus 24/7, sending them into new mission fields both locally and abroad.
We form intergenerational relationships focusing on unity in Christ.
We identify and resource opportunities for discipleship and maturity in Christ for our church and community.

We believe in Almighty God
He is the creator of all things, eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in Jesus Christ, who is our Savior and Lord
He is the only Son of God, born of a virgin and gave His life by death on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for sin. He arose from the dead defeating sin and death.
Only through confession of our sin and belief in Jesus is there reconciliation with God, who by grace saves our soul. We believe that water baptism symbolizes that God cleanses us from sin when we come to faith in Jesus.
We anticipate the day of Christ's triumphant Second Coming. At that time He will judge both the living and the dead, as the faithful will eternally reside in Heaven with God. All those who reject Him as Lord will be eternally separated from God in Hell.
Only through confession of our sin and belief in Jesus is there reconciliation with God, who by grace saves our soul. We believe that water baptism symbolizes that God cleanses us from sin when we come to faith in Jesus.
We anticipate the day of Christ's triumphant Second Coming. At that time He will judge both the living and the dead, as the faithful will eternally reside in Heaven with God. All those who reject Him as Lord will be eternally separated from God in Hell.

We believe in the Holy Spirit
His indwelling presence empowers the church, is the source of our life in Christ, and is poured out on those who believe as the guarantee of redemption.

We believe the Holy Scriptures are God's inspired,
authoritative and infallible written Word for all mankind
By the grace of God we submit to its authority and allow it to guide our daily living.