What about you?
Are you in stage of your life where you know there is an eternity ahead of you and you know that what you do now matters but you aren't sure what to do about it? Do you find your self questioning if you should do something about the lost people around you who will be eternally separate from God unless they have faith in our glorious Savior Jesus Christ?
Local Missionaries
Michael & Deborah Clancy
Michael serves in Lebanon, PA, with his wife, Deborah, and their two children. Michael has experienced the life-transforming power of the gospel in his personal life, and he desires to extend the hope of Christ to others by reaching out to the forgotten members of society, including people in his city who are returning from incarceration or rehabilitation from substance abuse. He understands the obstacles to reconnecting with society and building meaningful relationships. It is his deepest desire to come alongside men, supporting his community through social relationships and mentoring, and also by networking among ministries and city services.

Pray for courage to share the name of Jesus and what He has done in your life with those who do not know Him.